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North Korean Air Force 1950

North Korea's Air Superiority in the Korean War

Soviet Support and Early Dominance

When North Korea launched its invasion of South Korea in June 1950, its Air Force held a significant advantage over the much smaller South Korean Air Force. This superiority was largely due to the support of Soviet advisors and the deployment of Soviet-made aircraft.

Air Combat Operations

In the early stages of the war, North Korean aircraft conducted bombing raids and strafing runs against South Korean forces. They also made half a dozen deployments to Kimpo Air Base, targeting US troops attempting to halt the North's advance.

One significant air battle took place on December 1, 1951, near the city of Sunchon in North Korea. In this engagement, North Korean pilots, supported by Soviet advisors, engaged in a fierce battle against US Air Force and South Korean Air Force units. The battle ended with heavy losses on both sides but demonstrated the North's continued air superiority.
